Operation Clean Sweep

VARIBOX Intermediate Bulk Containers are produced at locations that have embraced the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) pledge. Producing most plastic products, including the VARIBOX, starts with pellets. These are small plastic granules made by raw material suppliers. Waste of such pellets can occur at all stages of the chain, including production, handling, transport, and recycling. To tackle the waste of plastic pellets, the Operation Clean Sweep® program has been launched.

Operation Clean Sweep




Prevent pellet loss in the environment

VARIBOX is produced at locations that have embraced the Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) pledge. With OCS, the plastics industry is committed to providing solutions to prevent marine litter. With the signing of the OCS promise, we recognize the importance of preventing plastic waste. In order to fulfill the 6 promises of this program, several measures have been taken.

The six promises of Operation Clean Sweep

  • Improve production design to prevent and tackle spills
  • Creating and publishing internal procedures to achieve zero loss of industrial plastic material
  • Ensure training and accountability of employees for spill prevention, containment, clean-up and removal
  • Regular performance audits
  • Comply with all applicable international and national regulations for the containment of industrial plastics
  • Encourage partners to pursue the same goals

The goal: Less plastic in the oceans

We know that plastics are essential: the safety offered by the VARIBOX is made possible by the strength and chemical resistance of our polyethylene products. Plastic can thus help protect and transport dangerous goods. We can responsibly enjoy these benefits and at the same time dispose of or recycle used plastics properly.

Join in

VARIBOX is produced at locations that have embraced the Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS) pledge. With OCS, the plastics industry is committed to providing solutions to prevent plastic waste. The OCS program has been running in Europe since 2015. The methods in this program have already contributed to effective corrective measures in many companies in the plastics industry worldwide. We encourage partners to participate. For more information, see the OCS website: www.opcleansweep.eu OCS is part of the global Marine Litter Solutions project, the plastics industry’s initiative to protect our seas and oceans.

More information about Operation Clean Sweep

Do you have any questions regarding the Operation Clean Sweep pledge? Or do you want additional information please feel free to contact us at info@varibox-ibc.com or you can call +31 570 660 711