User story with Vindeca
On this page, you will find the user story with Vindeca. In the featured story, you can see how the VARIBOX SC helped Vindeca in its daily operations. Our Junior UK & Ireland sales Rep, Laurent Boulet, and Mr. Ahad Gungoo from Vindeca have talked about how the VARIBOX SC 800 IBC is used in the medical industry.

Interview with Mr. Ahad Gungoo
Mr. Ahad Gungoo, can you describe what your company, Vindeca, is doing?
“Vindeca is B Braun Avitum partner for La Réunion, Mauritius, Madagascar and Mayotte. We are specialized in importing and distributing dialysis machines and consumables manufactured by B Braun Avitum.”
Mr. Gungoo, can you explain how do you currently use the VARIBOX?
“We produce acid concentrate for dialysis patients for a few dialysis centers in La Réunion. The VARIBOX SC is used to stock acid concentrate which we deliver to the centers. There is a central concentrate supply system (CCS) that is connected to the Varibox. The acid concentrate is distributed through the CCS to the dialysis machines.”
Mr. Gungoo, what aspects do you appreciate about your new VARIBOX SC 800 Litres?
“The Varibox is a product of quality, built to last. The material resists corrosion. The dimensions are similar to a European pallet. The plastic design of the VARIBOX gives it very hygienic qualities, assuring the general quality of our production.”
Mr. Ahad Gungoo, can you describe why the VARIBOX is a better choice than alternative products for you?
“The size and dimensions are perfect to fit into the space. The VARIBOX is of good quality. By its conception, the VARIBOX SC allows our technicians to have a direct sight at the level of liquid contained. Which translates in more efficient operations.”

More information about the user story with Vindeca
Do you have any specific questions regarding this featured story with Vindeca or to the VARIBOX SC, or do you want additional information please feel free to contact us at or you can call +33 (0) 2 40 45 99 99.