FAQ VARIBOX Safeline Performance
This FAQ contains frequently asked questions about the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube that is installed in the VARIBOX container. This FAQ is divided into four parts: the characteristics of the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube, the availability, the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler, and the connection of the coupler to the extractor tube.
Characteristics of VARIBOX Safeline Performance
What is a VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube?
A VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube is a tube in the VARIBOX that reaches the lowest point of the inner container. A coupler can be connected to the top of the extractor tube. The VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube is an option on the VARIBOX that allows the product to be extracted without opening the VARIBOX. This makes safe working with chemicals possible, and fumes and products cannot be escaped from the VARIBOX.
How does the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube work?
A leak-tight connection is established when connecting the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler. At the same time, the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube and the coupler are opened. The product can now flow, and air can enter. Fumes and products cannot escape.
How do I connect a VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube?
To connect the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube, a coupler with a hose attached to an installation will be used. Both the extractor tube and the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler automatically close when disconnecting. In this way, you cannot forget to close the VARIBOX and no product can flow back from the pump installation.
Can fumes and product escape when using the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube?
No, the VARIBOX with a VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube forms a closed system. When disconnecting, the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler as well as the extractor tube automatically close. After disconnecting, there can be still some moisture on the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube and coupler, avoid contact with these parts.
Do I have to open the screwcap to vent?
No, the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube has automatic aeration. This is advantageous because the screwcap remains closed and fumes cannot escape.
How long will it take to extract all the product from the VARIBOX with the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube?
Normally it will take approximately 50 minutes to empty a VARIBOX with 1000 liters of product using the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube. This can vary with the viscosity of the product and the capacity of the pump installation.
Does the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube have a non-return valve?
The VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube doesn’t have a non-return valve. When the VARIBOX with a VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube is not used for a longer period, the product level in the extractor tube can gradually drop. When again switching on the pump there is a change that air will be pumped first
How long does the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube last?
To ensure the safety of the VARIBOX with the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube, it is recommended to replace the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube every year. Inspect the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube regularly for possible damage and replace if necessary.
How much product is left after emptying?
Just a little bit of product remains in de VARIBOX because the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube is placed at the lowest point of the inner container. Because of the low residue, handling and transporting an emptied VARIBOX is much safer. After emptying, approximately 0.1 liter remains in the VARIBOX. About 0.4 liter remains in the extractor tube itself. These quantities are based on water and will vary per chemical product.
To which products is the VARIBOX Safeline Performance system resistant?
The VARIBOX Safeline Performance system has been developed for use with chemicals. The VARIBOX Safeline Performance system is resistant to most chemicals, but it is very important to choose the correct version. If you have specific questions about chemical resistance, please feel free to contact us.
Which versions of VARIBOX Safeline Performance system are available for the VARIBOX?
There are two versions of the VARIBOX Safeline Performance system: EPDM and Viton. The EPDM version has stainless-steel springs. The Viton version has Hastelloy springs. Tube and housing are made of polyethylene. If you have specific questions about chemical resistance, contact us.
The Safeline Performance coupler
How do I see a difference between an EPDM or Aflas/Viton coupler?
It is important for the safe use of the VARIBOX to use an EPDM VARIBOX Safeline Performance counter coupler on an EPDM extractor tube. And on a Viton VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube, only the Aflas/Viton coupler must be used. The difference between an EPDM or Viton coupler is in the color and its shape. The EPDM version has a red color and a round shape. The coupler which needs to be connected to the connection point is also red in color and has a round shape. The Viton version has a green color and has a 12-angular form. The coupler that needs to be connected to the connection point is also green in color and has a 12-angular form. This difference has been made to minimize the risk of incorrect connections.
How can I see if the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler is worn?
The VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler can be damaged. For example, the part sliding over the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube can be damaged, or the sealing surface may be damaged. If so, the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler must be replaced. The VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler can also be damaged due to a chemical attack. Therefore, it is important to regularly check the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler.
What is the lifetime of a VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler?
The expected lifetime of the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler is one year. Inspect the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler regularly (i.e., annually or earlier if necessary) and replace it if necessary. The rate of chemical attack is highly dependent on the product, its concentration, and temperature.
What is the metal bracket on the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler?
What is the metal bracket on the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler? The metal bracket secures the position of the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler on the extractor tube. If the metal bracket is not clipped underneath the extractor tube, air can enter the system which can lead to faults in the pumping system
Connecting the VARIBOX Safeline Performance system
How do I connect the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler to the extractor tube?
Make sure that the handle of the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler is inclined upwards. Slide the coupler completely over the VARIBOX Safeline Performance extractor tube. Turn and clip the metal bracket underneath the edge of the extractor tube. Push the handle of the coupler downwards until it clicks in position. The VARIBOX Safeline Performance system is now connected. And the product can be pumped out.
Can I disconnect the coupler at any time?
No, pay attention to an overpressure in the VARIBOX. There is a risk of leakage when disconnecting when there is an overpressure inside the VARIBOX. When the VARIBOX is pressurized, the pressure must be released first. This can be done by switching on the pump or by opening the screwcap. Make sure to wear personal protection.
How should the extractor hose be connected to the coupler?
The extractor hose must be flexible to avoid excessive force on the VARIBOX Safeline Performance coupler. It is important that the hose is attached at 180 ° to the handle.
Couldn’t find your answer in the FAQ VARIBOX Safeline Performance?
We know that the safe and reusable VARIBOX IBCs are being used for many different applications in many different markets. Therefore it could be that your question/answer is not included in the support section. If so, please contact our Customer Service, they are glad to help further.