800L IBC Sodium Hydroxide
The double-walled VARIBOX Full Containment 800L IBC is very suitable for the safe transport and storage of sodium hydroxide. The unique double-walled construction of the VARIBOX makes sure that the sodium hydroxide stays safely inside during transport, storage, and usage.

The double-walled construction of the 800L IBC Sodium Hydroxide
But what does double-walled mean? Well, double-walled that the VARIBOX has an outer container and an inner container. Botch containers are placed in a special rotomoulded pallet made of recycled materials. First, the outer container is placed in the pallet. Secondly, the inner container will be placed in the pallet and outer container. And to guarantee maximum protection there is a cover on top of the outer container. This construction makes sure the VARIBOX Full Containment (FC) 800 liters can be used safely trip after trip, year after year.

But there is more
The unique double-walled construction of the containers makes sure that the users and the chemical distributors and detergent suppliers meet the European regulations. This is because of the integrated spill containment of 110%. If something happens to the inner container for example leakage of the outer container and spill containment make sure that the chemical will not escape out of the VARIBOX.
First of all, has the VARIBOX FC 800L a UN approval and in Germany a DIBT approval. But also meet For example the AWsV in Germany but also the PGS 15 and PGS 31 in the Netherlands.
More information
Do you have any questions regarding the 800L IBC Sodium Hydroxide or do you want additional information please feel free to contact us at info@varibox-ibc.com or you can call +31 570 660 711. Do you want to have your Sodium Hydroxide delivered in the Intermediate Bulk Containers of VARIBOX? Please ask your supplier for the possibilities.