Safe chemical storage

“Safe chemical storage & safe extraction systems not only for our customers but also in our chemical filling!” In order to comply with the current environmental regulations, we have had a new exhaust air purification system for our ammonia filling installed by Airtec Muecke. This was done using the latest technologies in order to be efficient and environmentally friendly. For the treatment of the exhaust air, various chemicals are used in the exhaust air system for neutralization. In order to follow the state of the art here as well, the safe system of the Varibox IBC is used.

VARIBOX Compact Containment




Safe chemical storage

“We recommend the Varibox in future projects”

Due to their innovative design, our highly efficient absorption systems are able to clean even highly polluted process air constantly and efficiently. The exhaust air purification process depends on the type and quantity of the pollutants produced. In the case of Reher & Ramsden, we used the xy process. In the course of project planning, Reher & Ramsden informed us that they wanted to use the Varibox for storing and dosing the chemicals.
Until then, we had no contact points and did not know the system. After the first discussions and especially after the implementation of the project, we are convinced of the application possibilities of the VARIBOX Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) and will recommend them to our customers for future projects. 

Safe chemical storage

The company Reher & Ramsden (CG Group) is a long-standing partner of VARIBOX and has been selling the safest IBC, the VARIBOX, to their customers for quite some time. Why not use what is good for your customers for yourself too? This story shows me that the company focuses on workplace safety and sustainable thinking and that it is not just an empty phrase. “

I am looking forward to more great projects and enthusiastic customers;-)” Torben Pfeffer

Safe chemical storage view on cover
Safe chemical storage with the VARIBOX CC 250 in blue
Safe chemical storage with the VARIBOX CC 250 in white

Safe chemical storage with the VARIBOX CC 250

The standard version of the 250-liter container is EPDM. But depending on the chemicals which will be packed in the containers there is also a Viton version. Of course, this will be fully geared to the Safeline system on the VARIBOX. The first-ever double-walled 250-liter container is available in many different colors as blue, dark blue, yellow, orange, green, and natural to match your product coding. Next to that, to be 100% safe the containers are equipped with automatic venting in terms of a pressure relief vent or combi-vent.

VARIBOX Compact Containment
  • 250 Liter
  • LLDPE Polyethylene
  • Density up to 1.9
  • – 20°C to +40°C filling temperature
  • 38 KG tare weight
  • 60cm wide 


Every VARIBOX CC can be equipped with VARIBOX Connect. This gives you as a supplier or user of chemicals the opportunity to maximize the efficiency of your VARIBOX fleet.

VARIBOX Safeline

The VARIBOX CC can be equipped with the VARIBOX Safeline System. An easy-to-use system consisting of an extractor tube in the container that can be connected to your system by using a coupler