1000L IBC Hydrochloric acid
The VARIBOX Full Containment or Single Containment 1000L IBC (Intermediate Bulk Containers) safely stores and transports all concentrations of Hydrochloric acid UN 1789. In many applications across different markets, Hydrochloric acid is being used. The VARIBOX is well-known for safely transporting this substance. The formula for Hydrochloric acid is HCI and you can find it in the ADR under UN 1789. The advised version of the VARIBOX for this chemical is VITON. With Hydrochloric acid, also pay attention to the choice of metal parts such as springs: Stainless steel 304 and 316 may be insufficiently resistant. We advise to use Hastelloy® for metal components.

1000L IBC Hydrochloric acid
Hydrochloric acid is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas (HCl). This strong acid is widely used. Hydrochloric acid is very corrosive, so it should be handled safely.
We see that VARIBOX Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) are being used for this dangerous good in many different industries for different purposes. Applications are for example metal treatment, cleaning, swimming pools and leather treatment. It is also a food additive (E507).
Hydrochloric acid is also known as Cholorohydric acid and as Muriatic acid
Some chemical distributors and users of our containers across Europe also use the name Cholorohydric acid instead of Hydrochloric acid. Another synonym is Muriatic acid. Of course, it is the same chemical substance, so there are no differences in the characteristics or for example the regulations of the UN, ADR, and country-specific regulations such as the AWsV guidelines in Germany and the PGS 31 but also the PGS 15 in the Netherlands.

Watch out with stainless steel
Hydrochloric acid is available in concentrations up to 37% HCl. At high concentrations the evaporation rate is also high, so closed packaging in storage and during handling is advised to prevent gases to escape.
Hydrochloric acid gas is not only dangerous to humans but it will also corrode steel parts, including stainless steel types. It’s important to avoid contact of these metals with HCl. It’s also the reason to choose for our closed system: Safeline extractor tube, in Viton with its Hastelloy spring!
Use Viton for the 1000L IBC Hydrochloric acid
The advised version of the VARIBOX for this chemical is VITON. With Hydrochloric acid, also pay attention to the choice of metal parts such as springs: Stainless steel 304 and 316 can be insufficiently resistant. It may be better to choose springs made of Hastelloy®. You can find the important data about this dangerous chemical below:
- Formula HCI
- CAS number 7647-01-0
- UN number 1789
- ADR class 8
- ADR Packaging Group II or III